Boys Run the Riot

Boys Run the Riot is another series I put off reading due to the main cast being highschoolers, these days I just tend to prefer older protagonists, but then I found the entire series at my local library and well, it seemed like fate. This series follows Ryo Watari, a young closeted trans boy with a passion for mens street fashion as he develops his own brand. I really liked this series, I was not surprised to learn the mangaka, Keito Gaku, is trans themself because they do a great job of capturing a lot of the nuanced feelings that can come with the trans experience, good and bad.

I really liked this series and enjoyed watching Ryo gain friends and confidence in himself on his journey to start his fashion brand. I also found a lot of the moments like him setting up their brands digital shop relatable and entertaining as someone who has done similar stuff, though I understand some people found the brand setup stuff a bit boring, I am kind of a boring dude so I loved it lol. The mnaga is only 4 volumes and I think it's definitely worth the read, especially if you enjoy fashion or trans narratives (I like both 🤍)