Naoki Urasawa's Pluto

This is not the first work of Naoki Urasawa's I've read, that would be his other work Monster which is one of my favorite mangas of all time so I was very excited to find this other work of his at the library! For the uninitiated Pluto is based on "The Greatest Robot on Earth" arc of Osama Tezuka's Astro Boy, though reinterpretted as a suspenseful murder mystery where we follow Gesicht, a robot detective trying to solve the case of recent robot and human murders. Despite never reading any original Astro Boy my understanding and enjoyment of the series was not affected at all, it explains and establishes its world well even without prior knowledge. Overall I really enjoyed the series, Pluto has more of Urasawa's special talent for really fleshing out and making all his characters feel like real people with their own feelings and view points. I think I still enjoy Monster more but that's because Pluto has more of a scifi spin and I'm not a huge scifi guy, but if you're looking for something suspenseful and this sounds interesting I'd definitely recommend it!